Ronaldo GliganHome


For you, I’m some random. If you really want to know some things about me, here they are:

  • My name is Ronaldo. I’ve learnt that my moustache is my identity, for some reason – without it, I’m not myself.
  • Hablo castellano. 我说点中文(小红书是很好的学习中文). Now guess which other language I speak. (Hard question, right?)
  • My favourite hobby is this activity called recreational programming (i.e. programming for fun). Also,
    • I think that I have just come out of a hardcore C addiction.
    • At the moment I’m learning to appreciate the beauties of the lost art of (Common) Lisp.
    • If had to choose, I’d rather be a hardcore functional programming enthusiast than an OOP loser.
  • My preferred operating system is GNU Emacs. I like Emacs. I love Emacs. I’m addicted to Emacs. Take a look at my Emacs config or the Emacs themes I’ve made along my Emacs journey.


Estudio sobre las redes de flujo s–t y el algoritmo de Ford–Fulkerson para hallar \(f_\textrm{máx}\)
En castellano. Introducción a las redes de flujo y el problema del flujo máximo.